new mills QUARTERWEIGHT: 295 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Support Steelwork SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied main steel support structure. Lords cricket groundDESCRIPTION:
Access Staircases SCOPE: Various staircase throughout the stadium. Handrail and finishes by others. wivenhoe - staircaseDESCRIPTION:
Staircase for access to apartments SCOPE: 1 of 4 staircases detailed on the project saughall massieWEIGHT: 70 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Saughall Massie - Fire Station SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied main structure and cold rolled. Chelsea EmbankmentWEIGHT: 15 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Chelsea Embankment - Temp site access staircases & enclosures SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for stair structure, treads and handrails. 20 grosvenorWEIGHT: 26 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: 20 Grosvenor - Modular Building Support Gantry SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure. WARRINER GARDENSWEIGHT: 130 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Warriner Gardens - Residential Development SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure. 1 nine elmsWEIGHT: 210 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: 1 Nine Elms - Modular Building Support Gantry SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure. OatlandsWEIGHT: 100 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Oatlands - Apartment Development SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure. Lisgar terraceWEIGHT: 50 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Lisgar Terrace - Apartment redevelopment SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure, lift shaft, wind posts and lintels. Drayton garden villageWEIGHT: 135 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Drayton Garden Village - Apartment Blocks A,B & C SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for balcony steel, roof overhang steel, glass panels, handrails and lintels. Stoddart streetWEIGHT: --- Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Stoddart Street - Ship Ladder SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for ladder frame, treads and handrails. Former beckett schoolWEIGHT: 45 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Former Beckett School - Apartment development SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structural steel, balconies, wind posts and lintels. Centenary HouseWEIGHT: 28 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Centenary House - Apartment development SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structural steel, balconies, wind posts and lintels. gROSVENOR GRILLAGEWEIGHT: 8.9 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Grosvenor Grillage - Crane tie SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for crane support steelwork. blackfriars grillageWEIGHT: 19.6 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Blackfriars - Crane tie SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for crane support steelwork. High StreetWEIGHT: 15 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: High Street - Apartment extension SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structural, 14 Park CrescentWEIGHT: 32 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: 14 Park Crescent - Wall retention SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for temporary support steelwork. Blackhorse laneWEIGHT: 12 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Blackhorse Lane - 3No penthouse steel cores SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure and cold rolled. Temporary Bridge proppingWEIGHT: 89 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Temporary Bridge Propping SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure and various brackets. Great DenhamWEIGHT: 0.8 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Great Denham - Stair balustrades. SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for stair balustrades PRETORIA ROAD
WEIGHT: 10 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Pretoria Road - Stair balustrade & balcony steelwork SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for balustrade and balcony steelwork Havelock estateWEIGHT: 10.5 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Havelock estate- Various balustrades SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for various balcony balustrades and internal staircase. Trent basinWEIGHT: 3 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Trent basin - Bin store SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for main structure. prEtOria rOAd
WEIGHT: 0.9 Tonne
DESCRIPTION: Pretoria Road - Ramp Handrail SCOPE: Shop drawings supplied for ramp handrails. |